The story is told of a man who called out to God while he was drowning. A man came and offered him a lifesaver, but he rejected the offer and said “God is going to save me.” Another man came along in a boat and offered to help. His offer met the same as the first man. Finally, a helicopter came with a rescue team and again the man shouted at them, “It is ok, God is going to save me.” The man drowned and when he got to the Pearly Gates he said to God in dismay, “I waited for you to save me but you didn’t.” God replied, “I sent you a man with a lifesaver, one in a boat, and an entire rescue team, you rejected them all.”

God is the author of all things good. Isaiah 38 speaks about King Hezekiah being sick onto death. He prayed and was allowed to live an additional fifteen years. This was definitely a miracle wrought by the hand of God. Yet in verse 21 we see Isaiah using a natural medicine cure as well. “Now Isaiah had said, “Let them take a cake of figs and apply it to the boil, that he may recover.” The prayer of faith is not depreciated when we use or apply the appropriate medicines when we are sick.

Timothy is said to have had some stomach issues. I am sure that being a disciple of Paul he would have prayed about the situation as well. Still, we see Paul saying in 1 Timothy 5:23, “No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.”

One of the ways to get over the resistance to use medications that are not going to affect us negatively is to see God as the ONLY author of good things. The Bible is clear that all good gifts are from heaven. God is the one who has given science to the world so that we can be blessed by the offerings. We must see science and medications that are agreeable with the principles of God as gifts from God. This will give us the freedom to use these gifts for the health of God’s temple, our bodies.

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Newly Released Book

Practical ways to dwell in God’s presence as a believer.

Take the journey alongside Dr. Vida-Lynn Asare as she helps believers who desire to know God more deeply. In Earnest Pursuit of His Presence is a heart-warming and thought-provoking book that will teach and inspire you to walk continuously IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

Stories About Mama

Embracing Her Legacy, Honoring Her Life

Contributing author: Stories About Mama is a compilation of narratives from ten authors whose mothers were born within a 30-year span (1924 – 1954), smack dab in the middle of the Jim Crow era (1896-1954) a time when many African Americans, women included, were sharecroppers.

Far too many Black women have never purposely engaged in healing; seeking to understand our mothers in full context of the time and seasons of life. This book is about the healing of Black women from the wounds we have regarding our mothers. To provide a gracious space to look beyond the pain and the shame of their mother’s stories and honor her by seeing her through the lens of grace and glory.




